Handling Larger Groups

Handling Larger Groups

Church growth is natural and desirable, but serving Holy Communion to a large congregation can become a logistical concern. Individually preparing the elements takes a great deal of time before the service and may deprive your church of ministry attendants that would otherwise be available to help in other places. Even if your congregation isn’t experiencing a growth surge, there are two times during the year when most churches can almost double in size: Easter and Christmas.

These are times when many of the folks attending the service will be unfamiliar with church traditions in general and therefore, may feel awkward when it comes to taking communion. Using The Miracle Meal prefilled communion cups places the elements in everyone’s hands at the same time and allows the pastor to lead the celebration with minimal confusion or interruption, especially for the new attendees.


Office: 469.779.0147
2605 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy, Suite A, Dallas TX 75234, USA

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